Good to the last drop

We’re passionate about tools that make life simpler, faster and better. Amongst other things, our past projects include websites, web apps, mobile apps, facebook promos and kiosks. We also do web hosting.

Big databases, complex issues, custom integrations - these excite us. When we partner with clients we put heaps of thought and energy into each solution. You’ll love us because of our brains, experience and the energy we bring to your project.

Added Insight

Added Insight is an exciting partner for BLZ because we are able to streamline much of their business processes with online tools. Our solutions save time, headaches and provide big value.
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Sals Pizza

Sals is a client we love. They make great pizzas and care about their customer's experiences. We have helped them with point-of-sale integrations and we're currently working on a new social media campaign and in-store employee tool to be launched soon.
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Watermark is a collective of illustrators spread across New Zealand and Australia. We created a website, backend content system, job quoting engine and 3rd party email integration to manage their business and showcase their work.
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